Your help shows
Our academic programs ensure success in and out of the classroom. We ally with universities and institutions to ensure the wellbeing of the children we care for.
House of hope endeavours to break the poverty cycle with education, arts and culture programs, food assistance, and family guidance.
Your donations help us to supply balanced daily meals to over 450 children to provide comprehensive level of care.
Our academic programs ensure success in and out of the classroom. We ally with universities and institutions to ensure the wellbeing of the children we care for.
House of Hope is a Non-Governmental Organization that seeks to break the cycle of poverty through a multidimensional and sustainable approach.
Through pedagogical, academic, psychological attention and human and spiritual formation, we seek to prevent school dropouts and risk behaviors, improving the lives of our children and adolescents. We believe in our children, in their strength, resilience and ability to create a better future.
Donate today to help break the cycle of child poverty